About me and this blog

Not much to say really….just a regular guy who hopes he makes a difference to those he holds dear to him.

My postings give me a means of recording the cacophony of sound that bounces around my head from time to time (actually most days) hence giving me an abridged version of my life in case the moment comes where I may forget what it ever was that was so important.

I guess like everyone before they start posting, those sounds were generally kept locked up and became overgrown and confused. Just too much noise for one mind to cope with (well too much for mine at any rate). So I feel it is about time that I opened my own personal secret garden and let the world in.

Feel free to comment on my posts (nice ones please – I’m a sensitive soul !)…feel free to follow them…feel free to take cuttings (credit me please)…feel free to share them with your friends or ask them to visit themselves.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts, they represent my thoughts, my memories, my dreams, my loves and I guess from time to time even my hates (although I hope there’s not too many of those).

Most of all they represent me…enjoy my life – I’m trying to.


15 Responses to About me and this blog

  1. Are you a Libra by any chance? Like your writing too! Cheers Liz

    • Nope.. a Sagittarius however I aspire to being that balanced. Apparently instead I’m idealistic in vision but tactless in expression. I can be known for my bluntness and am often unaware of my ability to cause anguish in others. Not necessarily the best of character traits – but alas the only ones I have

  2. liz2you says:

    Thanks for visiting.
    I like your writing and your characteristics don’t scare me.
    It is a huge step when we start to blog.
    I currently have two blogs and a travel blog; but still love hitting the button, PUBLISH!
    This is an old post on my other blog, you may like to read.

    Candid Confession


  3. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. Pingback: My Secret Garden | My Secret Garden

  5. Eleenie says:

    Hi Rob, I really love your blog! I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Here is the link http://denobears.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/the-kreativ-blogger-award/ Congratulations!

  6. First time here and I’m impressed enough to follow you. (something I don’t do often) Great point of view you have! Look forward to reading more from a fellow Sagittarian. 🙂

  7. Rufina says:

    Nice personal intro Rob!

  8. Eleenie says:

    Rob, I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award, here is the link
    http://denobears.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/sunshine-award/ Congratulations!

  9. Wher have you been? No posts in a while. I look forward to your next post.

  10. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    I wonder where you went as I wander through…
    I am a process of life getting in the way so I am in and out regularly…though sometimes I see someone who was kind to me on my blog and I wonder where there are..
    I hope all is well in your world…. know thoughts from Texas were riding on the wind today 🙂
    Take Care…You Matter…

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